• Fred di Bono

Fred di Bono

“It's a magical place! For people that know the Silver Coast, especially in São Martinho, you have the shell-shaped bay and then there are cliffs going up and you have the ocean peeping through those cliffs. (…) It's amazing!”

Fred di Bono, a TV producer and former rock star from Belgium, is Dylan's guest in another episode of 'My Home in Portugal’.

Tune in to listen to why he decided to build a beautiful home right here on Portugal's Silver Coast, with the help of Immo Portugal:

Portugal The Simple Life Podcast Episode 59 - Season 2:


Listen to the full podcast episode here

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marker  Portugal

Avenida Marginal Loja 1
Edifício Vasco da Gama
2460-096 São Martinho do Porto - Portugal
Tel.: +351 262 980 576  |  Mobile: +351 911 069 081

marker  Belgium

Kribbestraat 4 bus 1
2000 Antwerp – Belgium
Tel.:  +32 3 283 70 70  |  +32 496 30 94 89

Cost of a call to the national landline network. The cost of communications depends on the tariff agreed with your operator.

Immo Portugal

Immo Portugal Office Silver Coast Portugal

Immo Portugal is a leading real estate agency specializing in property for sale in PortugalVisit our offices in Antwerp Belgium and Silver Coast Portugal.

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